Lifestyle medicine reset

It's not too late to change your mind, as long as you do it now. You've been wishing you can come on our first Yoga retreat, be a part of its success, and ensure we can do this for decades to come. No one is exempt: It's 19 days away, plenty of time to put in for some time off, book your flight, and own the down time you know your body, mind and soul deeply need. There are one suite (multi-level and includes kitchen) and two deluxe hotel rooms left, and I'd personally love to fill them with you.

The truth is, we all need space from the daily grind to retreat, reset, renew and reemerge. That’s why we’re doing this. And where we’re doing it is the ideal, low-key, high vibration, Caribbean island environment to ensure the healing happens. 5 whole days and nights. Waterside accomodations with water and breeze to enhance the life cleansing we all need after whatever it is we’ve been through this year. For introverts, our intimate group is small and manageable, and you’ll have your own space to provide shelter from it all. For extroverts, there will morning, afternoon and evening opportunites to gather. For multi-verts, you’ll get to choose based on your needs as they arise.

If lifestyle medicine, a modern terminology used to describe the holistic care inherent in ancient wisdom systems, seems inaccessible, you probably just need this reset. Our itinerary checks the rehabituation boxes that are the foundations of healthcare: healthy social connection, healthy nutrition, adequate sleep, physical activity, avoidance of risky substances and stress management. Replete with down time, chanting, breathing, meditation (outdoors overlooking the Caribbean sea) many breaths of fresh air, seaside soundtracks for sleep, fresh food, kind yoga friends, fresh sights, sounds, spices, dips, trips, smiles and memories to last a whole life time - it's an appointment you'll want (and need, actually) to make today.


Stable. Resilient. Nourishing. Bountiful. Grounding.


Quake up call