Quake up call

We quite obviously shared the same planet on Friday at 10:23am EST. We also want to share the same Yoga.

I was offering a Yoga Therapy session online when our earth quaked. Although earthquakes are a rarity here, Yoga Therapy is our norm. When calculated, 65% of our current offerings are Yoga Therapy. It's not the only way we provide Yoga care; however it's the most beloved to our students, as it's the one that qualifies you as a regular practitioner of relevant, purposeful, authentic, Indian Yoga that works.

Yoga Foundation literally has something for everyone, as the entire premise of Krishnamacharya's Yoga, as we have learned it, is viniyoga, teaching to the level and needs of who strands (or sits) before us.

Are you a long time on-and-off or regular student or teacher stagnated in your personal or professional life? Personalizing your practice and providing further training is one of our strengths. Never tried Yoga, or tried with no success? We are well-equipped to formulate a realistic, regular care plan to support your needs.

One word for earth in Sanskrit is bhu. Associated with a Goddess, she is seen as feminine, stable and nourishing, the flip side of the what we experienced quake our nervous systems in the NYC metro area experienced this week. Fortunately, that is usually her form. How to incorporate the grounding, earth element into practice? Here are four simple ways:

  1. Place your hands on your body and breathe.

  2. Lie on the ground with a blanket under your head, legs up on a chair, blanket on your body, hands on your lower abdomen, and breathe.

  3. Bhu also means level. Whether you are bending or twisting, try doing it to a chair, a couch, a dresser or a table, a higher level, instead of all the way down.

  4. Chant grounding mantras. This is where a qualified Yoga and Vedic Chanting teacher can support you. Sound can replace your nervous systems frenetic signals with calming ones, when repeated with intention.

Sometimes we need a nudge to start or continue. Let’s tend to our personal and collective needs, now that nature woke us up.


Lifestyle medicine reset


Learning vs Teaching