May 3-8, 2024 - Days you'll remember forever.


If you haven't signed up for our luscious retreat yet, what's holding you back? A five night, four day Caribbean vacation to Grenada with the bonus of Danielle guiding breathing, meditation and mantra practices. Old and new friends who "get" the value of authentic Yoga. Local, organic cuisine, catering to all dietary choices. World-renowned beaches, chocolate farms, waterfalls and spices. Swimming in warm waters. Rest. Healing. Rejuvenation. Pristine beaches, lush forests, waterfalls, spices, fresh air, local cuisine and relaxed atmosphere (and the Yoga and company) are the mind, body, soul medicine you need in 2024. We took care of the planning so you can maximize your “you” time, minus the mental-load of mobilizing the details.

Dig into our most updated itinerary candy below, and if you can’t, know that medieval text Hatha Yoga Pradipika has some advice which we’ll be following in Grenada and which we also recommend following every day. Whether you are coming or not, discover an ultimate way to alleviate stress: Śavāsana. This āsana, regularly avoided and downplayed in the modern context, is one of only 15 mentioned in the text, highlighting its imperative nature to those who ancient āsana afficianado-s. Why? It’s name means corpse, denoting the complete letting go of tension in the body. In the text, the first half of the verse instructs to emulate a corpse lying with its back on the ground and face up. In the second half, we learn its impact is to relieve fatigue (from āsana and otherwise) and to relax the mind. As Krishnamacharya recommends, if one cannot take a vacation, take a small vacation daily, and Śavāsana presents itself as the place to be for that.

Krishnamacharya also recommends traveling as a premiere was to learn and grow, and we’ll do that together on a relaxed yet exciting retreat schedule.


Afternoon arrival and settling in

Meditation: 5:00pm

Group Dinner: 5:30pm


Self Practice: 7-8am

Chanting: 8-8:30am

Breakfast: 9am

Waterfall: 10am-2pm

Rest: 2-5pm

Meditation: 5-5:30pm


Self Practice: 7-8am

Chanting: 8-8:30am

Breakfast: 9am

Beach: 10am-1pm

Rest: 2-5

Meditation: 5-5:30


Self Practice: 7-8

Chanting: 8-8:30

Breakfast: 9

Chocolate farm tour: 10am-2pm

Rest: 2-5pm

Meditation: 5-5:30pm


Self Practice: 7-8am

Chanting: 8-8:30am

Breakfast: 9am

Beach: 10am-1pm

Chocolate Museum: 1-3pm

Rest: 3-5pm

Meditation: 5-5:30


Self Practice: 7-8am

Chanting: 8-8:30am

Breakfast: 9am


Flipping the script


Yoga makes being a woman easier