The Whole Pie

Why are you practicing? Why are you interested in teaching? Why are you teaching? Guaranteed, whatever the reason is, the whole Yoga package will get you there, expedited. Weight loss? Balance? Back pain? Loss? Menopause? None of these can be addressed with formulaic fixes, but with the multidimensional approach of Patanjali's Eight Limbs, all the parts that need healing will receive it. This is what we teach in our Immersion, 200 Hour and 300 hour, all of which begin in three months. There's still limited time to apply and limited space. Apply today! To learn more about the contents of the package, we need to open the vault, the Yoga Sūtra-s.

The masterful text’s purpose is to discover our inner potentials, the ones we yearn to embody, and nurture them, as a pathway to alleviate suffering, however it is coming up for us. The hows are embedded in the thrifty verbiage and brought to life via the relationship with a teacher. Not a book to be read, but a text to be learned, held, processed and lived. When you do this thoroughly, and practice, Yoga’s essence fills your mind, body and life. When you have others to go through the journey with, and all of our trainees and teachers can vouch, the practices come alive. And so does your authentic self, magnified by these tools, by this study, and by the trainings, an incubator for your transforming self.

ALL trainings start in June. Everyone begins from the same starting line, as the Yoga of Krishnamacharya is distinct from other styles and requires a reset of the mindset to embrace. If you finally want to embody Yoga as lifestyle medicine, these trainings are our #1 recommendation.


Learning vs Teaching


Flipping the script