Learning vs Teaching

Learning has its benefits, and irrespective of what we are teaching, learning is the first (and continual) step. Internalizing is the second (and continual) step. And mentoring, a lost art in the Yoga context, is the source of it all. Committing to our Immersion, teaching may eventually happen, and we take that into consideration. Many of our students don't start off wanting to teach. Many take our trainings to simply learn and grow. Others to quench a deep curiosity. And others for career changes or adjuncts. What sets our Immersion, open to everyone, apart from our formal training?

Immersing yourself in Yoga is the best way to learn it, and an absolute prerequisite to eventually teach it. If you’re undecided, we eliminate the requirement for the most important game changer for your up-level, supervised teaching, until you decide to continue to complete 100 more hours to graduate with your teaching certificate. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the similarities and differences between the programs.

ALL trainings start in June. All trainings are open to everyone (you need a prior 200 for the 300). Everyone begins from the same starting line, as the Yoga of Krishnamacharya is distinct from other styles and requires a reset of the mindset to embrace. If you finally want to embody Yoga as lifestyle medicine, these trainings are our #1 recommendation.


Quake up call


The Whole Pie